Thursday, September 20, 2007

Class Two Summary

Discussion of "great ideas" commercial

The underlying question was "How does this relate to internet pedagogy?" The BMW commercial is only on the web. it is therefore a "web product." It was examined for content, context, metaphor, repurposing, manifest and latent messages, etc.

A mini-lecture focused on "theory of text". This section began with an assumption (to be questioned and tested) that the internet is essentially a text medium. The author - reader - text model from literary theory was introduced to show how complex understanding text can be.

Text was defined broadly, beyond traditional print text as "any message presented in a form whose existence is independent of sender and receiver." By that definition, television, cinema, radio are all "texts" to be read. Also, by that definition, "reading the internet" becomes a critical idea.

Textual fundamentalism was defined as the belief that texts always say just what they mean. On the other hand, Derrida argues provocatively that " a written text can usrvive the absence of its author, the absence of its addressee, the absence of its object, the absence of its context, the absence of its code... and still be read."

The class concluded with a introduction to a website called TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). Ted is a high powered exclusve think tank which holds an annual conference in Monterey California. The highlight of the conference is a series of 20 minute high powered presentations by the attendees. These have been placed on the web and ar avaialble for free use.

The class concluded by viewing the presentation by Sir Ken Robinson, British educator who specializes in the domain of creativity. His talk argued that we need to enhance and support creativity in the learner. In relation to this course, the message should be: How can internet pedagogy add to a creative way of thinking and teaching and learning?

Interestingly and perhaps tellingly, the 20 minute video (on Mp4 concluded with the 30 second "great ideas" BMW commercial we had discussed at the beginning of the class.

Next Class: Discussion of assignments and social bookmarking tutorial.

Class One Summary

This class introduced the concept and potential of internet pedagogy.

Several internet metaphors were introduced including the information superhighway, digital library, electronic mail, electronic marketplace, digital world, dumpster and panopticon.

Themes running through the course were identified as
Low cost / no cost
User friendly
Postmodernism (alternative conflicting discourses
Teachers are teachers, not technicians

Other themes include democracy, social justice, globalization and the Canadian discourse.

The class concluded with an exercise. They viewed (three times) a commercial by BMW which stated “What if great ideas were no longer cherished? What if they carried no importance or held no value? There is a place where artistic vision is protected. Where inspired design ideas live on…”

Students were to submit a one page analysis. Interpretation or summary of the commercial for discussion in the next class.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Assignment Two: Paper and Project

EDUB 5840 Internet Pedagogy
Dr. Denis Hlynka
September 2007
Assignment #2: Paper and Presentation


1. Produce a paper dealing with a topic of your choice dealing with internet pedagogy grounded in some (perhaps 4-8) of the course readings
2. The paper will follow the IB (International Baccalaureate) model as described below in #4.
3. The paper must include the following:
1. The paper is approximately 4 pages or 1000 words
2. The paper is written completely in third person
3. Topic selection: Select a topic relevant to your interests or needs, but related to the course readings.
4. The paper is divided into six sections
a. The Plan (In one paragraph, state the purpose of your investigation.) 25-50 words
b. Summary of evidence. This is the crux of your content. Produce at least a dozen key points and for each provide a footnote which references where the points came from. 250-500 words
c. Evaluation of sources: Evaluate at least two of your sources. One page. Discuss their potential credibility, strengths, possible biases.
d. Analysis: 2 pages 250-500 words
e. Conclusion: One paragraph 100 words
f. Bibliography

5. Grading:
a. Plan 2 10
b. Evidence 5 25
c. Evaluation 4 20
d. Analysis 5 25
e. Conclusion 2 10
f. Bibliography 2 10

Total 20 100

EDUB 5840 Internet Pedagogy
Dr. Denis Hlynka

Assignment: Class Presentation

1. Select one of the readings presented in the course “textbook.”
2. Report to class with a five minute presentation. Be prepared to lead a discussion on the topic.
3. Prepare a one page handout to accompany your presentation which includes the following information:

Target Audience (Who does this paper think you are?):
Relevance to internet pedagogy

Assignment One: Portfolio "Ideas worth trying"

EDUB 5840 Internet Pedagogy
Dr. Denis Hlynka
September 2007
Assignment #1: Course Portfolio

“Ideas Worth Trying: Internet Pedagogy in the (elementary/science/physics/grade 7/etc.) classroom” Project.

You are to develop a portfolio that explores the potential of the internet for teaching and learning in your particular subject or interest area. The portfolio will consist of an exploration of 10-15 internet-based databases, concepts, “tools”, software or websites. Each should will be organized on a minimum of one page using the following structure:

Title, Description (What is it?),
Pedagogic Possibilities (How can it be used in the classroom?)
Potential Problems (What is the downside of this idea? Where might problems arise?)
Example (Provide an example of how the idea might be used.
References (Include here any websites consulted.)

Some Details

Your portfolio should be accompanied by an introductory page and a conclusion page. Writing is to be in the third person, and should be written for a generic audience who might pick up the document without any knowledge of the course. In other words, this is an objective document, not subjective.

Some potential resources, tools, websites or concepts to explore

2. Google Images
3. Google Scholar
4. Google Docs
5. Database:Oxford English Dictionary
6. Database: Dissertation Abstracts
7. Website: UM Commons
8. Portal: UM Jump
13. Wikipedia
14. Wikiquote
15. Wikihow
17. You tube
18. Netmeeting
19. Yahoo messenger
20. My Face
21. webquest


Grading is holistic, based on content, discussion, as well as writing, and presentation skills.

Course Assignments

EDUB 5840 Internet Pedagogy
D. Hlynka

Course Assignments
September 2007

Course Assignments

1. A portfolio consisting of 10-15 capsule summaries and examples of selected internet ideas, concepts and “tools” for the teaching of your subject area. See below for details. (40%) Due: First class in November.
2. A class presentation based on at least one of the course readings and accompanying handout paper. (30%) Due: On-going throughout the course.
3. Miscellaneous short exercises to be announced in class. (10%) Due: As assigned
4.A final examination, consisting of identification and essay questions, held on the last class period (20%). Due: last class

Late assignments may be submitted only with the consent of the instructor.
Evaluative feedback will be provided before the last date for voluntary
withdrawal where possible.