Sunday, November 11, 2007

Google Docs Exercise for November 13

This class focused on two significant readings.

Garry led us through the Marlboro Man. This paper set technology within a postmodern deconstruction of an advertising icon of a generation ago. The paper ties contemporary trends to past practices and revisits the past through the eyes provided by contemporary internet technologies

Karen presented Solove's "I've nothing to hide." The author argues that privacy is an important issue that cannot be dismissed by "I've got nothing to hide." Indeed, the "nothing to hide" argument is a red herring.

The following activity will be scheduled into the November 13 class period. However, if you wish to get a jump on the activity, you can start any time.

In brief, you are asked to complete the following three tasks:
(1) Correct your entry in 50 facts…
(2) Add to new section” One thing you have learned…
(3) Identify and justify briefly one website of particular pedagogic interest.

For #1 above: Correct or adjust your previous entry (posted last week) as follows for consistency: Check spelling. Add to your entry the following: posted by xxx. Use first name only. ALL LOWER CASE. Eg. (posted by denis). Make any changes in your text. If you quoted a source, be sure to put it in quotes.
c. Add to the following sections.

For #2: We have used the theme ”Ideas worth trying” to focus major concepts from this course. With that in mind, Identify one thing you have learned in this course. In other words, what stands out as a critical point, issue or theme? At the end of your comment, add (posted by xxx) as described above.

For #3: The course has also introduced a variety of websites. To name only ten: (1)google images, (2) Questia, (3)Oxford English Dictionary, (4) Google docs, (5) Nicenet, (6), (7) delicious (8) New York Times (9) (10) wikipedia.

Identify one of these or any other that stands out for you. For this exercise you are allowed to select a website also selected by someone else. Limitation: Only include those that you learned about in this course.

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