Thursday, October 4, 2007

Course Presentations

Here are the readings and dates. Subject to a few addition.

Everyone is asked to pre-read and bring the appropriate papers to class.

October 9:
Colin: The new imperialism of borderless education. (Hall) Available from Garry's blog

October 16:
Lucile: Paper by Croft
Antoinette: Walter Benjamin. The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction.

October 23
Sharon: Globalization for teaching and learning
Carolyn: Owsten: The world wide web...

October 30
Brian: Graham: Anarchy and the internet
Janice: Rothenberg: How the web destoys the quality...

November 6:
John: Catone

November 13:
Karen: Nothing to hide.
Garry: Borgman (Marlboro Man)

November 20:
Meghan: Virtual Hamburger
Judy: Umberto Eco

November 27

Others to come. You can let me know by email, or next week.

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