Thursday, October 4, 2007

Class 3 Summary

1. Intro: Alistair Cooke

The day began with Alistair Cooke's Letter to America presentation titled "The magic of the internet?" The five minute presentation was discussed under a rubric which focused on context, content, and meta-analysis. The context explored both Cooke and Tom Wolfe who is quoted at length in the essay. The gist of the brilliant short essay is gthat the internet is merely a medium of communication, nothing more. It can contain a good idea or a stupid idea. Meta-analtically, it was noted that the approach to listen to Cooke (as well as to read has paper simultaneously) added a significant dimension to the presentation. The "aura" of a live presentation mattered.

Two tutorials followed, in the computer lab.: Social bookmarking and blogs. John walked the class througth delicious

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